Saturday, October 29, 2005


I'm a Sad Bunny

Will says that I am going to go play tennis. ok.


"The Chick Magnet"

Melissa and I decided to go to the "Heaven and Hell" costume party last night. What a zoo! All of the girls, including ourselves, were wearing the most scandalous outfits we could find. The guys seemed more intoxicated than usual. I guess they thought that our inappropriate costumes gave them the right to act more inappropriately than usual. While trying to find the bathroom, I began to notice that this drunk guy with naked barbies strapped all over his body was following me. When I turned around to see if he had any clue as to where the bathroom was, he grabbed me and started tying to makeout with me. As I pushed him away, I couldn't help but shout, "Who ARE you?!?" He started pointing to all the naked barbies strapped to his body, then proudly said, "I'm a chick magnet!" Now THAT'S a clever costume!

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Thomas W. Kates

Sometime last night, Mr. Thomas W. Kates got into his car and shot himself. He was a teacher, comedian, roll model...My friend. If you went to Kent, or were lucky enough to know him, I'm sure you've quoted him at least a dozen times. His young, vibrant, frat-boy attitude was contagious.
I wonder what he was thinking about last night. I can recall times that I have sat alone in a cold dark place gambling with my life. It's hard to be alone at this time of the year when the days get noticably shorter, and the nights get increasingly longer and more restless. Our routines have been established, and we rarely do anything spur of the moment. It's exhausting when life goes on each day with work piling up, friends too busy to hang out, the colors of our world fading slowly into a lifeless black and white as winter approaches.
Kates added flavor to those days at Kent when it was too cold to go into town, and all the students would disappear into their dorm room caves. Everyone loved him except for him. I feel that way about myself sometimes, and can recall moments that I wished I could free myself from myself. I'm sure we've all pondered whether or not this [our life right now] is as good as it's gonna get.
The haze on Algo's height is not always rent, but we cannot stop the light of a new day from coming. Life goes on. We miss you so much Tom Kates, and promise to remember the dawn at Kent 'til dawn and darkness are no more.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Happy Birthday, FANTASTIC ONE!!




This is the first birthday I've spent at home in 7 years. I'm so glad that I moved home. All of my birthday wishes have come true, and I haven't even blown out my candles yet! I love all of y'all so so much! XOXO


Feeling Used

I really don't expect much from people. If I did, then I would probably find myself to be disappointed most of the time. But when you're friends with someone, you shouldn't just call on them when you want something. I'm not a vending machine. Vending machines don't have feelings. I do. But if you are going to treat me like a vending machine, expect to pay a price for whatever it is you want.

Monday, October 24, 2005


Third Wheel

It's so awkward being the third wheel. It's not that I need a bf. Being single has taken a lot of stress and drama out of my life, and brought me closer to my friends. I don't ever want to be one of those people that's so dependent on their bf that they lose touch with the more important things; like friends and goals.
In a couple of days I will be 20 years old, and have come to the uncomfortable conclusion that I do not like myself. While always a passing phenomenon, usually related to my failure to achieve some tangential personal goal, the effect of these moments tends to ricochet about my life and the lives of those around me. It is very difficult to be yourself when you do not like yourself. These moments of discomfort with ourselves push us away from our center. The trouble with this is that no one is particularly good at being anyone but themselves, and trying to be someone else inevitably turns out to be far more unpleasant than whatever made you dislike yourself to begin with.
If I can't make myself happy, then no one else can...right? Well, I'm slowly discovering that caring for other people makes me feel better about myself. I love my friends, and those of you that really know me know that I would do just about anything for my friends. When I'm alone, getting out of bed in the moring is border-line impossible. This could explain why I have trouble functioning when im in a fight with a friend, or have just lost a friend over a break up. I obsess about it and can't focus on anything else. I balance myself on my friends, and they balance right back on me. Third wheel, tri-pod...whatever you want to call it, its hard to balance if you take any one person out of the equation. We are either in a relationship, or we are the third wheel in the relationship. Right now, I don't mind being that extra support.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Favorite Child

My brother, sister, and I have been debating for many years as to "who's the favorite child." When at mom's house, we always go around and count which child appears in more framed photos on the coffee table (weird and obsessive, I know). Well, I think I have finally figures it out. My birthday is within a couple of days of Zeus's birthday (my mom's little foo-foo dog). Yesterday, she called to invite me to his birthday party...Yes, my mom is throwing a Halloween party for her friggin DOG! Apparently Zeus already has a costume for this event. She didn't even mention any plans for my birthday, but, when I asked, she said, "You can bring some of your friends over if you want and we can celebrate yours too!" WOW! I feel special... My birthday is going to be overshadowed by something that can hardly pass as a plush toy. If I get the fluffy dog anything for his birthday, it's gonna be an all expense paid trip to the vet to be neutered!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005



I've been feeling really frustrated lately. It seems that everyone, when it comes to relationships, is always waiting for "the better offer" to come along. There are probably a million girls out there just like me, and a million more that are better than me... I feel like im at the playground waiting for someone to pick me to be on their team. I alwas worry that I'm going to be picked last.

Monday, October 17, 2005


Silly PIB...

His name is Jani. If you are going to invade my blog, at least get the facts right. I do really like him, but it is nothing official... I swore off of boys...remember?? I am in an intense relationship with Mr. Pops (my pet turtle). He told me the other day that if I kissed him he would turn into a handsome prince. Then, we could ride off into the sunset on Charles (the plastic hippo), who is really a big white horse. If it weren't for my fear of getting salmonella, I'd prolly be living in his castle right now!

Friday, October 14, 2005


Right...because THAT makes sense!

The Runt (despite her last post in which she swore off good-looking men) is now dating a NCAA swimmer. Because, you know, those swimmers are COVERED in cellulite and acne (or not)!

Yeah, and get this: his name is YANNI. Yanni. Totally not kidding. And if you ask The Runt about Yanni, you know what she says?:

"Oh, he is SOOOOOO pretty!"

So, essentially, she swore off pretty-boys for a whole 48 hours (which, come to think of it, might be a new record).

Just thought I'd give everyone an update...



Monday, October 03, 2005 are in luck!

The two most attractive females at SMU are CURRENTLY available. Please contact either me, PIB, or Melissa if you would like to inquire about having one wrapped around your arm. However, I have recently read that guys with nice bodies are ten times more likely to cheat on a girl. So, I personally am looking for a large man who's body consists mainly of cellulite and acne.

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