Thursday, October 20, 2005


Favorite Child

My brother, sister, and I have been debating for many years as to "who's the favorite child." When at mom's house, we always go around and count which child appears in more framed photos on the coffee table (weird and obsessive, I know). Well, I think I have finally figures it out. My birthday is within a couple of days of Zeus's birthday (my mom's little foo-foo dog). Yesterday, she called to invite me to his birthday party...Yes, my mom is throwing a Halloween party for her friggin DOG! Apparently Zeus already has a costume for this event. She didn't even mention any plans for my birthday, but, when I asked, she said, "You can bring some of your friends over if you want and we can celebrate yours too!" WOW! I feel special... My birthday is going to be overshadowed by something that can hardly pass as a plush toy. If I get the fluffy dog anything for his birthday, it's gonna be an all expense paid trip to the vet to be neutered!

Please neuter him. He NEEDS to be neutered! Maybe then he won't try to "mark" my couch when mom brings him over for a visit.

You can go with me, the pumpkin and Dracula if you want. Hehe...
haha its ok because im the only child and i am still not the favorite either
If it makes you feel any better, your sister has remarked to me several times about how she is definitely not the favorite child.
I'm not and I am (for the most part) okay with it.

(whimper, whimper...)
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