Saturday, October 29, 2005


"The Chick Magnet"

Melissa and I decided to go to the "Heaven and Hell" costume party last night. What a zoo! All of the girls, including ourselves, were wearing the most scandalous outfits we could find. The guys seemed more intoxicated than usual. I guess they thought that our inappropriate costumes gave them the right to act more inappropriately than usual. While trying to find the bathroom, I began to notice that this drunk guy with naked barbies strapped all over his body was following me. When I turned around to see if he had any clue as to where the bathroom was, he grabbed me and started tying to makeout with me. As I pushed him away, I couldn't help but shout, "Who ARE you?!?" He started pointing to all the naked barbies strapped to his body, then proudly said, "I'm a chick magnet!" Now THAT'S a clever costume!

OMG I love this story... Ohh I wish I knew who that chick magnet was... Maybe i should do some serious facebook stalking to find out
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