Thursday, October 27, 2005


Thomas W. Kates

Sometime last night, Mr. Thomas W. Kates got into his car and shot himself. He was a teacher, comedian, roll model...My friend. If you went to Kent, or were lucky enough to know him, I'm sure you've quoted him at least a dozen times. His young, vibrant, frat-boy attitude was contagious.
I wonder what he was thinking about last night. I can recall times that I have sat alone in a cold dark place gambling with my life. It's hard to be alone at this time of the year when the days get noticably shorter, and the nights get increasingly longer and more restless. Our routines have been established, and we rarely do anything spur of the moment. It's exhausting when life goes on each day with work piling up, friends too busy to hang out, the colors of our world fading slowly into a lifeless black and white as winter approaches.
Kates added flavor to those days at Kent when it was too cold to go into town, and all the students would disappear into their dorm room caves. Everyone loved him except for him. I feel that way about myself sometimes, and can recall moments that I wished I could free myself from myself. I'm sure we've all pondered whether or not this [our life right now] is as good as it's gonna get.
The haze on Algo's height is not always rent, but we cannot stop the light of a new day from coming. Life goes on. We miss you so much Tom Kates, and promise to remember the dawn at Kent 'til dawn and darkness are no more.

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