Thursday, June 22, 2006


Human Sexuality

Sorry I have been so bad about posting lately. I am taking a human sexuality class this summer that takes up most of my time. However, I have decided to post some of my thoughts on a few of the issues that have been discussed in class. Enjoy!

Women: Why We Envy The Penis

Problem 1:
The mass media has taught the American culture that the human body is ugly. Many people, especially women, have internalized this media bombardment to an unhealthy level. If a boy enters puberty early, he will usually be popular amongst his friends. This is not true for girls. If a girl enters puberty early, she is usually unpopular amongst her peers. She feels awkward about her new development, and people stare at her height and breasts as if it were her choice to look that way. As if these changes were not enough to deal with, girls will begin getting their period once a month, and along with their period comes cramps and, for some, acne breakouts. It is no wonder that women will often times get a little moody during this particular time of the month. However, any change in mood (whether a girl is on her period or not) and men will make comments like, “Oh…it must be that time of the month again,” or my personal favorite, “The only reason it’s called ‘PMS’ is because ‘mad cow disease’ was already taken.”

Problem 2:
Today, and throughout most of history, it has been considered “ok” for a man to have multiple partners. Sometimes it even seems like a competition amongst men to see who can sleep with the most women. However, if a woman chooses to have multiple partners, then she is considered to be a “slut.” I cannot help but wonder where men are finding so many partners unless most woman are sluts.

Problem 3:
Sex, even if it is their first time, feels good for men. In fact, most men orgasm every time they have sex. However, the first time a woman has sex it is very painful and she usually bleeds. Afterwards, the woman is usually sore for a couple of days. Sex will continue to be a painful experience for the next few times that she has sex until she “gets used to it.” Even after the woman is used to having sex, it is unfairly rare for a woman to orgasm during sex. Some women will never orgasm during sex! Even with manual or oral stimulation, it is much more difficult for a woman to orgasm than it is for a man. As if this was not enough, once a woman has had sex once, she has given up “her gift” and is no longer as desirable.

Problem 4:
The real reason why people should not sleep around a lot is the rising problem of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Although it is possible for either sex to contract STDs, statistics show that it is more likely that men will only be carriers of the disease and never show actual symptoms of the disease. Women, however, will almost always show symptoms of the disease that they contract.

Problem 5:
For some women, one of the scariest STDs you can contract is a baby (after all, babies are very similar to parasites while in the womb). When it comes to pregnancy, it always seems to be the woman’s fault. Before people had a real understanding of biology, it was the woman’s fault for having a girl instead of a more desirable boy (which is another problem in itself because we then conclude that it is more desirable to be born a boy than a girl), and it was the woman’s fault if she had a miscarriage during a wanted pregnancy, or for becoming pregnant at an “inconvenient” time. Today, it is the woman’s responsibility to be prepared with some form of contraception (assuming that her faith allows her to use contraception). If she does end up getting pregnant anyway outside of marriage, then she will bring shame to her family, and there is a possibility that the man that impregnated her will leave her. Even with laws, there is no guarantee that the man will pay child support. Assuming that the woman keeps the child, survival will be a struggle since she needs to take care of the baby, and few jobs will hire a woman that would need such flexible hours. The probability that she will find a new mate is low since men will not want to use their resources on a child that is not theirs.

Problem 6:
Abortion is one of the most heated issues, one that evokes emotionally-charged feelings, disagreements, and discussions. Should a woman be allowed to decide for herself whether or not to have an abortion? During this initial nine-week period after conception, a fetus/embryo is just a cluster of protoplasmic cells. It is like any other cluster of cells in the body. The embryo during the first trimester is in such a primitive stage that one cannot distinguish an embryo of a human being from an embryo of a pig. So, if no one wants the child, why is it wrong for a woman to decide to abort the pregnancy? Making a woman refrain from an abortion is a direct violation of her rights as a living human being. A woman should have the ability to choose, especially when it comes down to her body. She, just like everyone else in this country, has certain inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If the potential for having a child does align with the mother’s want for a child for whatever reason, she should be able to abort the pregnancy before the embryo develops any further. She should never be forced to put her life and body second to something that is nothing more than a clusters of cells. However, many people believe that if a woman engages in intercourse – even unwillingly - then she is responsible for the baby from the moment of conception. If a woman is pregnant and is considering abortion, one of the issues that one needs to consider is “Does a fetus’s future hold a greater importance than the future of a woman?”

Problem 7:
When women get older, they lose their purpose in this life because they are no longer able to “be fruitful and multiply.” Men are instinctively aware of this. Could this be why men are likely to cheat on and/or divorce a woman once she no longer portrays that youthful image that he married? It is not uncommon for older men to pursue women half their age, but it is very strange when a woman pursues a man that is much younger than her. For example, does the American public really think that Ashton will stay with Demi when her age starts to take toll on her body, causing her to shrink and wither? Although women do tend to live longer than men, they seem to have less value in our society compared to old men.

It is a man’s world, and the women are just along for the ride.

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