Wednesday, April 19, 2006


A Random Deep Thought

Why does the letter 'x' make a 'z' sound when placed at the begining of a word? Why not just use a 'z' to make the 'z' sound instead of an 'x'? Are there any words that begin in 'x' that make an actual 'x' sound? And how come only certain words that begin with a 'z' sound start with 'x' and not others? Like...why not spell it 'xebra' instead of 'zebra'? And on that note...what's with silent letters? I bet some dislexic dictionary writter screwed up and everyone was too shy to point out his mistake because the dislexic dictionary writter would think they were just making fun of his....dislexicness. I asked a certain dislexic person (whom we shall call Mot Tfiws) how they tested for dislexia, and he said that they made him read and write a bunch of stuff on a timed test, and that he would get letters mixed up and such. Well, those of us that know Mot are very aware that he isn't the brightest crayon in the box... So, we bravely asked, ", how do you know you're not just stupid?" We don't see much of him anymore...

Mot and I are dyslexic together.

Boo! Little people are evil.

(Trevor reminds you yet again that X-Mas is spelled with a "x" and makes and "x" sound).

How do you know that you are not just stupid? :P
Who is Mot? Have i meet Mot?????

Please tell me that Melissa is kidding...
Well, I'm a friggin genius. So, it can't be that I'm the stupid one....and Melissa- you're kidding right?!?
As to the x and z thing, it's probably because we get the letter "x" from the ancient Greek letter X (or "chi"), which is pronounced sort of like ks. Thus, the word xenomania probably would have been pronounced "ksenomania" at first, but over time, we just dropped the "k" and turned it in to "zenomania."

Thanks for the nifty topic!

Don't you love nerds in the morning?
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