Friday, December 16, 2005


I'm Crazy

I never said that I don't like relationships because there is nothing quite like needing someone special to talk to, and be able to say everything you couldn't put into words with a hug or a kiss. I just said that the thing that sucks about relationships is that when they are over, even if you see that person everyday, you feel like you've lost something. Like you've lost a best friend even though you still can hang out with them. It is just never the same. You can't talk to them the same's like a big game of pretend, especially if one of the people has to pretend not to have those strong feelings anymore. I saw my ex boyfriend the other day with his new girlfriend. He looked really happy, and it was really hard for me to pretend to be happy for him (like an out-of-body experience). I think the thing that crushed me the most about seeing him was knowing that he had moved on, that he was happier without me, and that he didn't look crazy (nor did the tragic-looking girl that he was with). PIB told me, "If the reason all your relationships have failed is because all those guys went 'crazy,' and the one thing that they all have in common is you...either you drove them crazy, or you labeled the wrong person in the relationship." I just wish that I could have figured these things out a lot earlier than 2am on a Friday.

Actually, no. What I SAID (in reference to your latest boyfriend applicant) was the following:

"Deals On Wheels said...
Well, unless he goes crazy first, and then all bets are off!

Hehe... :P

10:13 AM

The Runt said...
They always do...

10:15 AM

Deals On Wheels said...
Yes, you should work on that.

After all, if all the men in your life EVENTUALLY go crazy, then it stands to reason that YOU are the ultimate cause of their...well...craziness."

It was just a thought, though. I didn't mean to call you crazy ("little", yes - "crazy", no)...

I hope you are having fun in Hawaii. I heard that you were getting a massage on Sunday...we are SO in a fight!
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