Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Can I Keep Him?

Some fool gave the Turd a poor little ginea pig for secret santa, and he doesn't want it. I feel so bad for the little ginea pig...all he wants is a warm, loving home for Christmas. It makes me sad to think of all of the pets that will be bought as presents this year that will be unwanted and abandoned, and it makes me just as sad to think of all the animals that won't have a "forever home" at all this Christmas. I really want to adopt this cute, lonely ginea pig, but Mikey the cat would surely try to eat him. Maybe I can keep him at PIB's house...Please?!?

You are insane. I live in a tiny, little house and I am already caring for your dog, Dolly.

In the past year and a half, I have essentially adopted Dolly, housed Tinkerbell the cat for Trevor for the better part of a year AND taken care of Mr. Pop's for nearly eight months. I can remember two occasions when I was caring for two dogs, two birds, a cat and a turtle.


I work for a nonprofit and I can barely feed myself -- much less a zoo!

So, get Sandwich-Gibert-Randy a cat-proof cage and leave me rodent free!!
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