Thursday, November 03, 2005


Yoho! A Pirates Life I Dream...

Have you ever wanted to just climb aboard that J22 with your best friend, drop the main, pull the jib tight, and just see where the wind takes you? Find men when you're lonely, and toss them overboard into shark infested waters once you get tired of them? Have a cave of wonders with your own treasure? Attack people just to steal their food? Have a little turtle sitting on your shoulder named Mr. Pops? Sink Uncle Scoop's fat yacht (I mean..)? Kidnap ex bofriends to make them swab the deck? Don't you wanna just keep on sailing til you find that island without squirrels, where Trevors grow on trees (jk PIB)? I know I do!

Now, pee-wee, we've talked about this before. Trevors do NOT grow on trees...

Oh, and Mr. Pops has an irrational fear of sitting on shoulders. This has been brought about by Charles-the-hippo’s documented phobia of heights. They both need therapy (and Mikey-the-cat does not qualify as a licensed professional).
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