Thursday, November 17, 2005


A few things that really grind my gears:

Mr. Pops peed in the kitchen cabinet. He called and told me. He is upset because you never turn on his "sun".
I always turn on Mr. Pops's sun. He just happens to run on my strange schedual...which basically means that he is vacationing in Alaska at the moment.
haha Ohh Mikey is always the highlight of our blogs... but what else happens exciting in our lives besides when something pees in our cabinets... my week would have been boring if that hadn't happened
At least a cat didn't die underneath your apartment. That's what happened to me last year. It stunk very much bad. I do feel bad for you, though. Urine from a known source does not smell pretty. Unidentified urine is somehow even worse.

What's wrong with Christmas music before Thanksgiving? Play it all year, I say!

Sex change? I need to read your blog more often. I can't keep up with you young people.
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