Tuesday, August 02, 2005


If I Had Any Wisdom...It's GONE!

So, I got my wisdom teeth yanked yesterday. I don't really understand why they are called "wisdom teeth," because a wise person would have evolved to never grow them in the first place! Deals volunteered to take me to my appointment and look after me while I heal...since no one else in my family has the time of day. I'm so glad to know that I'm a priority! Personally, I think she gets some kind of sick pleasure out of having me be dependent on her. The first thing she did when I got out of surgery was grab my camera phone and take some really attractive pictures of my fat, gauze-filled face to send to all of my friends. I felt like a cruelty case on "Animal Cops."
I'm sooo hungry, but can't open my mouth wide enough to shovel anything other than jello in yet. I hate that no one ever calls me to go out to lunch, except for yesterday, when all of my friends called to see if I wanted to grab a bite before surgery...the one day I wasn't allowed to eat.
Deals has work today, so, I guess if I need anything I will just ring my little bell, and if no one comes...get it myself.

Animal Cops? I can tell you've been watching t.v. with Deals.

I'm sorry to hear about your wisdom teeth! Having mine out was a miserable experience.
ya, animal planet makes the world go 'round!
Hey, no dissin' "da planet", okay?!

(animals are cool...)
For the record, Deals, I'm not "dissing" animal planet; I'm dissing you for only watching animal planet.

If I had a nickel for everytime I'd heard you say, "Last night on [insert name of animal show here]..."
You just don't know what you are missing, rr...
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